Life assessment exercise


It's that time of the year!

There is no arguing times have changed with the age of social media. We can also agree that mental health has been impacted in ways like never before. So whether you ever find yourself feeling unfulfilled, not having a purpose, being depressed, not making enough money, or failing to diet repeatedly, this exercise is for you.

While most of the world is reflecting on areas they can improve, this newsletter aimes to illuminate a bigger picture. We believe that taking a holistic approach is more successful to creating effective change. Addressing the root of a problem is much more impactful than hyper-focusing on a single subject such as "I need to lose 50 pounds".

The chart below is a life assessment. I have done this myself and introduced to our staff to help us identify areas of improvement, and it has benefited us tremendously.

The aim is to gain a more comprehensive understanding of where you currently are in your life. It paints an overall picture of what you may be missing to help guide you in making day-to-day or more significant life decisions. We recommend sitting down and taking some time to reflect and answer some difficult yet important questions.


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