Getting results

Protein Intake

Protein is the most important macronutrient when it comes to results. But unfortunately, most Americans don’t consume enough protein in their daily diet.

Experts have seen the best results with a protein intake of .7 grams to 1 gram times bodyweight. Protein has a high thermogenic effect, allowing you to burn more calories during digestion and keeping you fuller throughout the day. That means– less snacking!


Weekends can negatively impact our results, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The two main reasons why we see people overdo the weekends are, one, not logging their food which leads to overconsuming calories, and two, skipping breakfast or lunch to eat more at dinner, which eventually gets out of control due to the hunger.

Progressive Overload

Lifting the same weight over and over with no additional increase will limit your results. Instead, we suggest you increase weight, reps, or the tempo weekly to create new changes to the body.

Logging your weights is extremely important; this will allow you to know where you left off the previous week. If you are increasing weight, we suggest a 5% increase as long as your form is not affected. If your goal is to increase reps, 1-3 reps is an excellent range to create a new stimulus to the muscle.


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